12 Reasons You Need an Electric Scooter

reasons to buy electric scooter

Electric scooters are the new way to travel. Whether you’re trying to get around town or just have a good time with friends, electric scooters are the perfect solution.

Here are 12 reasons why we think they’re so great.

Electric scooters are much faster than bicycles.

While electric scooters may look like bicycles, they are quite different.

One of these major differences is speed, as electric scooters are much faster than bicycles and much more efficient at using energy input from both the rider and the battery.

Which brings us to another crucial difference: electric scooters do not require energy input from people because of this efficiency—this means that you can travel further and faster with less effort!

As a matter of fact, while the average amateur cyclist travels about 17-18 mph while on flat ground at the most, electric scooters can speed up to 20mph on average and some models can go up to 75mph!

In fact, we have some of these high speed electric scooters listed here on idealdeal.org, the most prominent of which is the Hiboy Titan, which has a max speed of 25 mph.

fast electric scooters

Electric scooters are more compact than bikes, so they’re more convenient to store and carry around.

This one is a no-brainer!

It’s much easier to store and carry around an electric scooter than a bicycle, owing to their light weight and compact design.

Since electric scooters are significantly lighter and smaller, you can easily fold up when required or unfold them when not in use.

Keep in mind though, that this foldability may only be found in foldable electric scooters, like the folding ones listed here on idealdeal.org.

You can also place such electric scooters on the floor of your car instead of having to tie them onto the roof rack, which is especially convenient if you don’t have a lot of space in your vehicle.

In addition to that, some models come with special bags for electric scooters for carrying them up stairs or through crowded areas more easily than by hand.

But if you don’t already have a bag for your e-scooter, do not worry.

You can buy a bag for your electric scooter anytime, even if your electric scooter did not ship with the electric scooter bag.

Electric scooters are great for commuting to work or school because of their compact size and high speed capabilities!

Ever since electric scooters first hit the streets in the United States and Europe, electric scooters have become a blessing for commuters, because e-scooters are great for commuting to work or school, owing to their compact size and high speed capabilities!

If there is no way for you to completely avoid the public transport, electric scooters can also fold up quickly and easily, making them easy to transport. They can be carried on public transport, in cars, in bags or backpacks; they can even be used as a switch between different modes of transport.

But if you are not a big fan of the public transport and want to travel the entire journey on your e-scooter, you can drive your electric scooters on sidewalks or dedicated roadways in your cities and towns, depending on local laws of the place where you live.

While commuting, theft can be a major problem but since electric scooters are powered by electric, they offer electronic solutions to preventing electric scooter theft.

All of this means that you don’t have to worry about bike theft when leaving your electric scooter at a job site while you go into the office building; you don’t have to find a parking space (since you can easily and conveniently store them in a backpack) and you don’t need to worry about traffic because electric scooters don’t get stuck in traffic and can go faster than most other vehicles on the road by avoiding the traffic!

Also, on most electric scooters, the battery life is suitable for commuting distances and riding speeds.

This makes them an excellent choice for commuters who want to cover more distance than would be possible with a traditional bicycle—and who want the convenience of being able to park anywhere without worrying about having their wheels stolen overnight!

electric scooters for commute and commuters

Electric scooters are affordable

If you are like me and were initially thinking that electric scooters are expensive, then you need to think again.

In reality, electric scooters are actually incredibly affordable, and for that reason alone, you should consider them.

Unlike cars, electric scooters require a very low capital expenditure, and you can purchase one for as little as $200 (or even less), which is much cheaper than a car.

The cheapest electric scooter listed here on idealdeal.org is the Jetson Element Pro Electric Scooter, which is a very decent electric scooter for starters.

If you are looking for an affordable electric scooter that packs good quality and good price in one package, then you can check out the basic Segway Ninebot ES1L Electric Kick Scooter .

Similarly, electric scooters are much cheaper than motorcycles or mopeds. In fact, here is an electric scooter with a seat that looks a lot like a motorcycle, for a fraction of the cost!

Here is another electric scooter that looks like a motorcycle!

And unlike bicycles which may require regular maintenance and repair costs (and also don’t get you nearly as fast) electric scooters are ready to go whenever you need them—all you need is the push of a button!

More on maintenance costs later but for now, check out some of the electric scooter deals listed here on idealdeal.org.

Electric scooters are an eco-friendly option to using cars or motorcycles for commuting to work.

If you’re concerned about the environment and want to do your part in reducing the number of cars on the roads, an electric scooter is a great option.

This may be no surprise to you that electric scooters use much less fuel or electricity as compared to cars, which means that they consume considerably fewer resources and produce fewer emissions.

But what you may not have known is that electric scooters are also more eco-friendly than motorcycles because they take up less space on the road, allowing for one more car to be taken off of it (it’s essentially a two-wheeled car), and they are obviously more fuel efficient than motorcycles too.

While many people still feel hesitant about using their bikes for long commutes due to how difficult it can be to get from point A to point B without breaking down along the way or having some other issue occur that makes it inconvenient for them; however, with an electric scooter this isn’t something you need worry about at all, because of the suitability of these electric scooters for commuting for all the reasons we are covering in this article!

Electric scooters can help reduce travelling expenses

Electric scooters are one of the best ways to reduce travelling expenses. As they can be used for commuting, electric scooters can significantly minimize travelling costs over shorter distances.

It means you won’t have to spend money on fuel for your car, nor will you need a car rental or taxi and ridesharing services over short distances.

If you live in urban areas with good public transport systems, it makes sense not to own a car – but if there’s no good public transport available near where you live or work, then getting around without driving yourself could be costly – especially if there are lots of hills between you and where ever it is that you want/need to go!

The other issue with relying on public transport is the time it takes; depending on how far away that bus stop is from home (and which route) we might find ourselves waiting 20 minutes just for one ride across town!

But what if we could combine both modes together? What if we had an alternative form of transportation which allowed us free reign over our daily life?

That’s exactly what electric scooters offer: freedom from having to rely on others while still saving money by cutting out unnecessary expenses such as gas money or parking fees.

why electric scooters

Electric scooters require less maintenance than bikes.

If you already own an electric scooter and currently own or have previously owned a bicycle, I am sure you will agree that electric scooters require less maintenance than bikes.

Among other reasons, electric scooters are much easier to maintain than bikes because they don’t require any maintenance on the moving parts like chains and gears do.

And to the best of my knowledge, if there is any maintenance required other than maintaining the tire pressure, it is the batteries that need to be replaced every couple of years or so.

The batteries in an electric scooter last between 2-3 years of sustained use before needing replacement or upgrading, which makes them much more cost effective than gasoline engines that can cost thousands of dollars every year just for gas and oil changes alone!

No comparison here!

Electric scooters incur lower operating costs

In addition to lower maintenance costs, as discussed above, other operating costs of electric scooters are also very low or zero.

Electric scooters require very little electricity and consume negligible energy.

For example, if you are in America, a 5 mile round trip on an electric scooter would cost you about 5 cents only in the worst case scenario.  

In addition to that, riders of electric scooters also do not require any additional insurance, especially third party insurance which is required by those driving cars and motorcycles etc.

And the best part of electric scooters?


This is because electric scooters do not require licensing in most states in the United States and in several other jurisdictions in Europe and in the rest of the world.

This further adds to the lists of advantages of operating an electric scooter as this reduces licensing and vehicle inspection expenses, thereby making electric scooters even cheaper to operate!

Electric scooters are much easier to ride and easier to balance when compared to bikes.

When it comes to learning how to ride electric scooters, there’s no complicated learning curve like there is with other forms of transportation; anyone will be able to learn how to operate an electric scooter in just minutes!

Electric scooters also come with better balance than bikes since there’s no need for handlebars or steering wheels.

You can enjoy more control over the ride this way, which makes it easier for newcomers who are learning how to ride an electric scooter for the first time (and even experienced riders).

It’s also great if you’re trying out new routes or navigating busy streets—you’ll feel safer knowing how much control over where your vehicle goes!

An electric scooter is safer than a bicycle, moped or motorcycle.

When it comes to whether or not an electric scooter is safer than a bicycle, moped or motorcycle, the answer is an unequivocal yes.

A bicycle is definitely not as safe as a motorized vehicle because it doesn’t have the same kind of protection and speed limit as an electric scooter. Also, balancing a bike while riding uphill can be challenging and even dangerous.

On top of this, many states don’t allow children under 16 to ride bicycles without helmets—which means they’ll need a parent or guardian to transport them in their car instead of being able to explore on their own!

Mopeds are also not quite as safe as electric scooters because they are often limited by speed limits set by local laws and regulations (usually 25 mph).

As long as you’re driving within these parameters and using common sense when operating your vehicle—such as slowing down when approaching intersections or pedestrians—you should be able to stay out of harm’s way.

Motorcycles, however, are not safe at all. They do not have any protection for the rider and often require special training to operate properly.

Thankfully enough, electric scooters offer a much safer riding experience compared to the above-mentioned mode of transportation.

While there are many different types of electric scooters available today, they all share a few things in common.

For one thing, they come with protective gear like helmets and knee pads that can prevent injuries and save lives if you fall off your scooter while riding it.

Electric scooters are great for kids who can’t yet ride a traditional bicycle.

There’s a reason why electric scooters are the perfect first vehicle for kids. For one thing, they’re much easier to ride than traditional bicycles.

Since there’s no pedaling involved, kids can focus on steering and controlling the speed of their scooter instead of focusing on balance at slow speeds or trying to maintain momentum while going uphill or downhill.

Additionally, since these vehicles have limited range and top speeds (around 12 mph), they’re much safer than riding a bike or skateboard which can reach higher speeds in an instant (if you’ve ever seen a kid riding a bike down stairs or through traffic at full speed, you know what we’re talking about 😱).

Furthermore, electric scooters have a lower center of gravity than traditional bicycles, which means that they’re less likely to tip over or fall over while riding!

Check out some of the electric scooters for kids here on idealdeal.org.

Electric scooters are more fun to ride than bicycles

Come on! No one can disagree with this one!

For thrill seekers like myself, electric scooters are a must ride for me if I am looking to have some fun.

Electric scooters are way more fun to ride than bicycles!

They can reach much higher speeds, require much less effort to ride and allow you to stand upright while riding.

And what if it is raining? How do you enjoy the rain?

I am sure you will agree that you can ride your electric scooter in the rain, but not your bike!

If that does not please you, how does the idea of an off-road electric scooter sound to you?

So if you’re looking for a way to get around town that’s faster than walking and easier than riding a bike, an electric scooter is for you!

To Sum Up

In short, electric scooters are ideal for you if you are looking for a fast, safe, inexpensive and fun way to ride around the town or even to commute.

Here on idealdeal.org, we have curated some of the best deals on electric scooters from Amazon.com.

Check out all the deals here.

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